Online school for inner peace

Reduce stress and suffering. Come alive. Connect with your body. Discover your real self. Come into flow.

We teach fun and potent skills (including “Stream Reiki” and Zen meditation), to help you find and embody the peace of your true nature.



Sign up here to receive our (free) “Zen Body Scan” guided meditation — to cultivate compassion, presence, and a connection with your whole self.

We’ll also send you our email newsletter (“Streams of Consciousness”), with warm & practical reflections and insider updates.


Welcome! Entering the Stream is an online school and community for inner peace (which is an essential basis for healthy interconnection and peace in the world).

We teach “inner peace skills”  simple yet highly transformational practices and perspectives that can make a lasting difference in how you experience life.

Starting an inner practice can change your reality from the inside out. You can wash away stress and suffering at root levels within, come alive, discover more about who you really are, and come into the flow of the life most meant for you, in every moment.

Our methods are distilled with deep care from Rinzai Zen meditation and mindfulness (in the Zenways tradition of Zen master Shinzan Miyamae and Zen master Julian Daizan Skinner), modern somatic therapy (in the style of international trauma expert Deirdre Fay), energy psychology (in the tradition of clinical psychologist David Feinstein), and now especially Stream Reiki (via “spontaneous attunement”) integrated into an inclusive “toolkit” through over a decade of intensive practice, research, and teaching. We offer a combination of ancient and modern techniques, which we’ve found create the most effective, safe, joyful, and holistic results in tandem.

Our founding teacher is Mary Hartley Platt (PhD, Oxford University). She has experienced firsthand (and continues to explore every day) the deep inner peace, healing, transformation, genuine love, and embodied freedom that our style of practice can unlock.

It’s easy to learn and get started, and the skills have been working for generations. Come give it a try…


"I'm still in awe of the positive transformation that self-practice training with Mary Hartley has brought to my life in such a short amount of time.

Being all the way in Australia, I was unsure of what to expect from my first Stream Reiki session. The week following my first session, I saw immense positive changes within areas of my life that were previously feeling stagnant and weighing me down.

Now, in the weeks following my training, the weight has lifted, and I feel that I can connect with this new and exciting pathway for my inner healing practice, whenever and wherever I need it. The effects of Stream Reiki can certainly be experienced no matter where one is in the world. Thank you, MH, for sharing this gift."

–Student in Perth, Australia
"I’ve been doing Stream Reiki with Mary Hartley for a few months now and have experienced nothing short of life-changing experiences and miraculous results in an extremely short amount of time. I came to her in extreme isolation after struggling with severe treatment-resistant depression for nearly two years. I now no longer have depression, have a wonderful new partner that I met 5 days after we’d set that intention for me in a session, and am finally moving and flowing through projects that I’d been stuck on for years. Stream Reiki has changed my life, and apart from huge emotional releases at times (which are so worth it), it’s mostly a lot of fun too. If you’re thinking about joining, just do it. You 3 months from now will thank you!"

–Student in New York
"I went to my first Stream Reiki session with Mary Hartley burdened with the usual aches, complaints and anxieties of late middle age, mildly hoping for, but not convinced I would find, some relief.

Instead, a most extraordinary thing happened. With skill and compassion, Mary Hartley guided me through a practice that is both effortless and astonishing. Like nothing that I had ever experienced before.

Immediately after the first session I felt lighter and more at peace. My second session a week later solidified the experience, and after my third session, most of the mental and physical discomforts that had brought me to try Stream Reiki in the first place were already a memory. I have felt more at ease, more confident, more hopeful. My sleep has improved and most of the persistent human habits of negativity have relented. As I said, extraordinary.

My wife and my brother who have begun Stream Reiki report similar experiences.

I HIGHLY recommend the Stream Reiki program for anyone seeking relief from mental and physical discomfort — and who wishes to begin experiencing renewed confidence and energy to broaden their life.

Mary Hartley has brought something wonderful to the world."

–Student in Washington, DC
"Mary Hartley is a Zenways teacher under my guidance, and I highly endorse her teaching and practice. She has excellent character, and a remarkable experience of her own life having been transformed by Zen practice. She has a very bright presence in teaching, which is an inspiration to witness. She has important work to do, and a strong resolution to change the world and reduce suffering."

–Zen master Julian Daizan Skinner, founder of Zenways in London,
"You are a profile in utter, amazing courage. I can’t wait to see how you keep integrating this [modern trauma healing skills] into your Zen and mindfulness teaching. What an honor to be part of your work! Your teaching is so profound as you keep adding in your heart and soul and the power of embodied transformation. I am smiling and filled with joy as I listen. Big bow to you, Mary Hartley!”

–Deirdre Fay, international trauma expert and founder of Becoming Safely Embodied in Arlington, MA,
"Wow! The 'Soft ointment' meditation [from the 'Learn to Meditate' e-book course] was profound. Really it was extraordinary. It was so different from what I could have expected, and so enjoyable. And the materials are all so professional. I felt in completely good hands. I can already tell that this approach is going to bring deeper and more lasting relief from stress and pain than the things I'd been trying before."

–Student in Washington, DC
“It has been comfortable and nurturing. Mary Hartley’s teaching has been clear, understandable, doable, and vastly valuable to me. I am feeling eager, encouraged, and delighted to have embarked on a daily practice and to feel that I am making it a vital, critical part of my routine day. I did not imagine I would receive this beautiful gift. MH’s luminescent personality is so attractive I want to follow her like lemmings to the sea! Engage, sign up, and don’t look back!”

–Student in Arlington, VA
"It's changing my life. Probably more than anything I have done since I stopped smoking and drinking 20 some years ago."

–Student in Arlington, VA
“Mary Hartley, you are a light in this world. You (and my practice with you) are helping to spread light in the otherwise somewhat dismal world we find ourselves in.”

–Student in New York
"The ['Stream Circle'] group meditation classes with Entering the Stream have given me the space and courage I needed to reflect self-critically on my place in a gradually awakening global society. The results have been transformational and would not have been possible without the warmth and gentle patience of Mary Hartley's teaching."

–Student in London
"I came to meditation with little to no experience. My hopes were simply to encourage a little self-care through regular practice, and to find a way to help me unwind in times of anxiety and stress. As an early career academic, it can be easy to lose sight of the beauty of the moment – there never seems time to simply stop and stare. By the end of eight weeks of careful and patient guidance by Mary Hartley, I had achieved much more than I intended to. The results were remarkable. After just a few weeks I was sleeping better (having not even noticed I was suffering from mild insomnia), feeling more energised in body and mind, and able for the first time in my adult life to just enjoy the moment. An unexpected side-effect was a surge in productive creativity. My creative focus has expanded in ways I could never have predicted. Yet another effect was a boost to my immune system. Having never managed to get through a full term's teaching and research without falling ill, I am energised and full of vim and vigour. My colleagues, friends, and family have all noticed a difference – I've recommended Zen meditation to all of them with a zeal I am sure is characteristic of newcomers! I cannot recommend MH's teaching warmly enough. She is a brilliant educator and guide and has given me a gift I will forever be thankful for."

–Student in Oxford, UK
"I met Mary Hartley many years ago and was immediately struck by her depth, self-awareness, and the fact that she was one of the most intelligent people I had ever spoken to. At the time, I was teaching her a modality of neuroplasticity work and perceived her to be a sleeping giant, someone whose true potential was only beginning to be realized.

We went many years since meeting without speaking, but to my absolute pleasure, our paths crossed again recently. I was met by a woman in full bloom, overflowing with the most sincere and gorgeous light. I recognized this as the light of transformation, and in our subsequent meetings, I’ve learned and experienced myself and the world with more depth because of them.

I believe that those who have met their own dark night, if transformed, become some of the most powerful influencers, able to lead others out of the inner chaos and confusion. She is someone who is full of grace and humility and more power than she would probably ever admit, which is why I’m saying it here for her. In an oversaturated and increasingly more commercialized 'path to enlightenment' market, Mary Hartley’s sincerity, passion, and commitment to the purity and exploration of Zen meditation has left a lasting impression on me. If you feel called to Zen meditation, I cannot think of a better teacher to have with you (and I’ve met a lot)."

–Mika, colleague in Los Angeles
"I can feel the great energy around her work. She's going to serve many people."

–Colleague in Washington, DC
“Calming, wonderful, inspiring presence”

–Student in Alexandria, VA
"I came to Mary Hartley’s 8-week course with minimal meditation experience. I completed the course with an understanding of the basics and approaches for applying meditation in my day-to-day life in practical ways that work for me. The pace of the course was just right. I had the opportunity to absorb and practice in between each weekly session. MH is truly gifted! I immediately felt at ease and open to new experiences in her presence. I would highly recommend!"

–Student in Washington, DC
"I enjoy a rich sense of ease when I am with her."

–Student in Reston, VA
“Learning how to meditate is good, but it’s best to do it right and Mary Hartley helps make that happen. As an instructor, she is superb. She is gentle, encouraging, insightful, grounded in Zen tradition and open to all other modalities of thought. However resistant you may be to finding time for this daily exercise, she will guide you in ways to focus on the quiet and regular rhythm of your breath, and you will start to want to do it, and then you will do it because you feel better doing it ... and then you ARE better. That’s why it’s good.”

–Student in Washington, DC
"The practice group truly was wonderful. I had a deep meditation session."

–Student in Leesburg, VA
"Mary Hartley, what a presence you have. Just listening to you brought a calm to my spirit that usually only happens when I stand by the sea. Well done, friend!!!!"

–Lisa Tillman, LCSW-C, colleague in Baltimore, MD
“I did an 8-week meditation course with Mary Hartley in the spring of 2017, during a period of great personal difficulty. As a mother, a wife, a friend, and an employee working full-time, I found that I was not able to find even five minutes in the day for myself. This course marked a segue in my journey – onto a new path in my life. I now feel more connected with myself, less anxious and fearful, more open, more courageous. My life today feels so much freer, so much more real, so much more centered, so much more joyful. I feel like I am a truer, more accepting, more beautiful version of myself, of Self. I am sincerely grateful for MH’s support through this time, her soft touch, her gentle encouragement and deep experience of what it means to live through trial and tribulation. For when we face our greatest darkness, pure light births.”

–Student in Geneva, Switzerland
"Mary Hartley is an aware, sensitive and compassionate teacher and mentor. She listens, she hears how you are and reflects your own clarity back to you. She will encourage your own insight as she shares hers, and this is always empowering and truly helpful. Practice with her gentle encouragement and be supported into embodying your own Buddha nature."

–Dainei Tracy, co-teacher in Devon, UK
“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” –W.B. Yeats
“We practice not just for ourselves, but for everyone, and the stream of life continues.” –Thich Nhat Hanh