Work one-to-one, to deepen and support your inner practice


Stream Reiki with Mary Hartley

I am grateful to be offering sessions now in “Stream Reiki,” a guided healing energy (which began spontaneously “downloading” or “attuning” to me in summer 2023!).

These sessions are a source of accelerated, blissful, and supportive transformation, available to anyone who’s suffering — in mind, body, energy, and/or life circumstances — and seeking relief, and to anyone looking to grow to their full potential.

Stream Reiki often feels like an exquisite meditation that propels itself, so you don’t have to do anything, except rest comfortably and enjoy. The effects can be subtle or very dramatic, depending on your needs as the receiver. This healing energy can help reduce and/or resolve all manner of stresses and imbalances, and unlock much more integrated, flowing, and satisfying seasons of your life, frequently in sudden and surprising (even humorous and ingenious!) ways, especially in the longer term.

“Reiki” has a formal lineage from its founding teacher, Mikao Usui, in 19th-century Japan — and an informal tradition since time immemorial (“laying on of hands”). A modern teacher, William Lee Rand, who received spontaneous attunement for the Holy Fire® III frequency of reiki (which I love and previously practiced, too), describes it as “a spiritual energy that creates wholeness through purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance.” Such energy frequencies, including Stream Reiki, have their own wisdom and gifts to share, beyond our human egos. They’re not religious and can complement whatever beliefs, doubts, or perspectives you bring to your practice, as well as any additional forms of healing you might engage with (whether medical or holistic, including our other “inner peace skills”).

I have been an extensive researcher of inner practice modalities since 2011, and no method has moved the needle for my students (or me!) as wisely, safely, magically, and profoundly as this new Stream Reiki. Recent clients have called it “unbelievably soothing,” “a gift and a delight,” and “beyond anything I’ve ever experienced.” One of my advanced students (who is working for a biochem company) relates to it as “a technology far beyond human intelligence; the most personalized medicine imaginable.”

To me this technique feels like crystal-clear water or light from a higher plane of reality (we could say!), flowing into and uplifting us, recoding and dissolving our inner burdens and blocks, and activating our innate capabilities and interconnection, layer by layer, in incredibly efficient and loving ways, so we become more free, well, and real in our lives. Even if you’ve tried other types of energy healing or meditation in the past without significant benefit, I would warmly encourage you to experience our heightened style of reiki for yourself.

Sessions are 60 minutes ($165, or $140 for a weekly membership, if you’d like to settle in, wash away deeper levels of tension, pain, illness, and limitation, and come alive ever more fully, over time). Couples sessions are also a fruitful option ($225). Small group sessions, for a circle of 3-8 of your friends and family members, are now available, as well ($85 per person) — or you can join our larger existing group!

Because the universe is one interconnected field, ocean, or “stream” of energy, Stream Reiki can reach you anywhere and works beautifully through our distance sessions, on Zoom or by phone. This setup can provide you with an extra sense of safety and comfort, allowing you to receive the practice in the privacy of your own space, plus save effort on traveling to and from.

You can request a time slot right here (or a scholarship here), and I’ll be in touch.

Spaces are finite, but it’s my grateful work at this stage to share this with everyone who feels its resonance — so we’ve added an ongoing group version over in “Stream Circle.” Practitioner training, both for self-practice and for professional use, is available now, too, for those already familiar with Stream Reiki from our one-to-one and group sessions. Please reach out here to schedule your practitioner attunement course, and I’ll send you further details. All my thanks!

Here’s our latest feedback, from a student in Perth, Australia:

“I’m still in awe of the positive transformation that self-practice training with Mary Hartley has brought to my life in such a short amount of time.

Being all the way in Australia, I was unsure of what to expect from my first Stream Reiki session. The week following my first session, I saw immense positive changes within areas of my life that were previously feeling stagnant and weighing me down.

Now, in the weeks following my training, the weight has lifted, and I feel that I can connect with this new and exciting pathway for my inner healing practice, whenever and wherever I need it. The effects of Stream Reiki can certainly be experienced no matter where one is in the world. Thank you, MH, for sharing this gift.”

Here’s a new review from a client in New York:

“I’ve been doing Stream Reiki with Mary Hartley for a few months now and have experienced nothing short of life-changing experiences and miraculous results in an extremely short amount of time. I came to her in extreme isolation after struggling with severe treatment-resistant depression for nearly two years. I now no longer have depression, have a wonderful new partner that I met 5 days after we’d set that intention for me in a session, and am finally moving and flowing through projects that I’d been stuck on for years. Stream Reiki has changed my life, and apart from huge emotional releases at times (which are so worth it), it’s mostly a lot of fun too. If you’re thinking about joining, just do it. You 3 months from now will thank you!”

Here’s a kind testimonial from a client in Washington, DC:

“I went to my first Stream Reiki session with Mary Hartley on Zoom burdened with the usual aches, complaints and anxieties of late middle age, mildly hoping for, but not convinced I would find, some relief.

Instead, a most extraordinary thing happened. With skill and compassion, Mary Hartley guided me through a practice that is both effortless and astonishing. Like nothing that I had ever experienced before.

Immediately after the first session I felt lighter and more at peace. My second session a week later solidified the experience, and after my third session, most of the mental and physical discomforts that had brought me to try Stream Reiki in the first place were already a memory. I have felt more at ease, more confident, more hopeful. My sleep has improved and most of the persistent human habits of negativity have relented. As I said, extraordinary.

My wife and my brother who have begun Stream Reiki report similar experiences.

I HIGHLY recommend the Stream Reiki program for anyone seeking relief from mental and physical discomfort — and who wishes to begin experiencing renewed confidence and energy to broaden their life.

Mary Hartley has brought something wonderful to the world.”


Mentoring with Dainei

My wonderful colleague Dainei Tracy offers one-to-one mentoring sessions at Entering the Stream, available on Zoom from all over the world. We are so thrilled to have her here!

Dainei is a brilliant teacher, practitioner, and guide, who can help orient you to your own inner life stream. She has over 40 years of experience supporting others in coming into their most genuine expression and flow. She offers a combination of Zen (in the form of spiritual coaching — the simple empowerment of welcoming the relationships we have with different parts of ourselves as they arise in our lives), intuitive psychotherapeutic skills, and some energy practices (in the form of boundary work around your own energy body and sensitivities) — to bring you to a unique and deeply healing alchemy of guidance and nourishment. We have worked with two of the same adepts: Zen master Julian Daizan Skinner of Zenways in London, and trauma expert Deirdre Fay of Becoming Safely Embodied in Boston and France. Dainei is one of my most trusted spiritual friends and collaborators.

Sessions with Dainei can help you integrate your “inner peace skills” (from our courses), learn additional perspectives and methods (including Deirdre Fay’s “Becoming Safely Embodied” skills), bring tender care to the parts of life that naturally can hurt, unwind trauma at the roots, and come to trust and embody your personal wisdom and ways on deeper and more liberated levels.

Dainei is based in Devon, UK. You can learn more about her and read client testimonials on her website here.

She offers 60-minute online sessions ($125) and packages.

To book a session with Dainei, please email her at


Mentoring with Mary Hartley

I offer one-to-one mentoring sessions on Zoom for current students, to help guide, support, and deepen your inner practice and life transformation. We focus here on building skills from Rinzai Zen meditation and mindfulness, somatic therapy, and energy psychology. (For Stream Reiki, please see above.)

If you’ve had a one-to-one session with me (Mary Hartley ~ Entering the Stream’s founding teacher) in the past, you’re welcome to book again, any time. I also invite you to reach out if you’re a member of our practice community or have been referred to me. Supporting you in finding and embodying the peace of your true nature is my greatest honor.

Sessions are 60 minutes ($125). To schedule, please get in touch here.

(Please note that we offer full and partial scholarships for one-to-one sessions.)

A recent student in Portland, OR, shared this kind feedback:

“I’m struggling with writing this review because there aren’t really words to describe what a handful of sessions with Mary Hartley have done for me, my life, and everyone my life touches. On the practical side, MH has honed techniques to alleviate suffering and has a level of intelligence and intuition to execute at a far higher level than any therapist or practitioner I’ve ever had.

On a more metaphysical level, working with MH has opened up realms of consciousness to me that I didn’t know existed. And in my case, this happened in our second session. I went in expecting a healing session, as she’s always lovely, but came out having had one of the most profound experiences of my life. The energy of these experiences has cleared and encoded dimensions that live in my heart and every cell of my body.”


Please feel free to reach out, if you have any questions.

We look forward to working with you!

“True happiness cannot be found in things that change and pass away. Pleasure and pain alternate inexorably. Happiness comes from the self [universal consciousness] and can be found in the self only. Find your real self and all else will come with it.” –Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
“Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.” –Rumi